Elements of Effective Instruction

The Elements of Effective Instruction (EEI) is a framework that outlines five intertwined elements of instructional practice that complement and enhance one another. When integrated into learning experiences, these elements foster student engagement with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes and achievement. The framework is grounded in the understanding that students are more interested and invested in their learning when they feel safe in their learning environment, understand what they are learning and why it matters, have opportunities to practice, receive clear feedback on their work, and engage in complex, meaningful thinking.

Resources for Your School Community

Elements of Effective Instruction​

The Elements of Effective Instruction framework outlines five intertwined elements of instructional practice that complement and enhance one another. 

Remote and Hybrid Learning

This tool highlights the specific features, strategies, and resources related to the EEI framework that bring powerful instruction into virtual spaces.

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Personalized, equitable, and student-centered education is too important to put aside. Together, we can improve learning for all your students.

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