Educational Equity

At the Great Schools Partnership, we define educational equity as ensuring just outcomes for each student, raising marginalized voices, and challenging the imbalance of power and privilege. The tools within this toolkit can help individuals or school communities understand and reflect on educational equity, while also evaluating their performance based on a variety of educational equity indicators. This toolkit also includes tools that can help a school or district implement and support racial affinity groups.

Please note: This toolkit is under construction. Please check back in the months to come for additional resources.


To achieve educational equity, we must first understand what it looks like and critically review our school community’s unique context. The tools in this section can be used by school communities to reflect on educational equity and evaluate a school’s or district’s performance. 

Indicators of Educational Equity

A list of actions, attitudes, and strategies (or indicators) that school communities might take when fighting inequity. 


Equity Pulse Check

Engage all stakeholders, as equal partners, in conducting a critical review of your school’s performance based on a few indicators of educational equity.


A racial affinity group is a group of people sharing a common race who gather with the intention of finding connection, support, and inspiration. Racial affinity groups can happen within any profession or organization, including education. The resources below are specifically targeted to the development of racial affinity groups for educators of color where such groups can provide participants support to survive the racial isolation that exists in many schools and institutions.

A diverse educator workforce is an essential component of educational equity. For additional context on diversifying the educator workforce, please read this report.

Guide for School Leaders

Get the answers you need to understand, implement, and support racial affinity groups in your school or district.

Artboard 25

Guide for Facilitators

A resource intended to support facilitators and coordinators of racial affinity groups. Includes guidelines and example activities.

Sample Agendas

These sample agendas model how facilitators can use light-touch facilitation to create safe and inspiring spaces within racial affinity groups.

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Personalized, equitable, and student-centered education is too important to put aside. Together, we can improve learning for all your students.

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