Home Events Take Action: Planning for Change in your School or District

Take Action: Planning for Change in your School or District

What change is necessary at your school or district? Are you eager to get to work but need some direction, facilitation, and guidance? Do you need support in creating a thoughtful plan for action that engages your community and ensures just outcomes for your students?

Take Action: Planning for Change in Your School or District is a four-part virtual series designed to help teams of three to seven participants envision, design for, and begin to enact the steps necessary to make specific and meaningful improvements in their schools or districts. This is not broad strategic planning; this is targeted movement on a specific goal that is essential to the work of educating all students. 

Ideas for targeted plans include engaging families in school-based decision making, creating a Portrait of a Graduate, creating or rebuilding your student advisory system, or implementing equitable grading and reporting practices. 

Whatever bold idea you have, our Take Action: Planning for Change in Your School or District series can help prepare your team to make change in your school or district.

As a participant, you will:

  • Work alongside teams from a range of other districts
  • Be inspired and informed by the work of others
  • Receive guidance and feedback from a GSP coach
  • Learn about and utilize the lenses of community engagement and educational equity
  • Leave with a well organized and realistic plan for the transformation your team envisions for the 2022-23 school year
Participant Outcomes 
  1. Develop a clear vision for the change you want to see in your school or district

  2. Explore deeper learning about the assets and barriers to your goal

  3. Experience reflection, problem solving, exploring models and tools as you develop an action plan specific to your needs

  4. Transfer a process for action planning back to your context to use again for other goals

  5. Create a plan that will move your community towards equity and greater engagement of all stakeholders. 


This is a four-part series, Wednesdays: February 9, March 2, March 16, April 6.
3:30-5:00 PM ET

What is the format?

This is a four-part series designed for teams. All sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom and will include interactive small-group discussions. We will not be recording the sessions.

If you have been registered along with others from your school, district, or organization, it is important that you log in to Zoom individually, in your own space, and on your own device. This is very important as you will be participating in several cross-team breakout sessions.

Who should attend? 

Teams of 3-7 people from the same school or district. It is recommended that teams contain at least one administrator and at least one teacher. Including a student and a community member is also encouraged, but not required. Sessions will build on each other, so please plan to attend all four sessions in order to ensure your team is able to create a completed plan by April 6. 


Glennys Sanchez, Senior Associate
Reed Dyer, Senior Associate


$1,500 per team. Teams can consist of 3-7 participants. Registration is now closed. Contact events@greatschoolspartnership.org if you have any questions.


Feb 09 2022 - Apr 06 2022


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Online Zoom Meeting
Reed Dyer & Glennys Sanchez


Reed Dyer & Glennys Sanchez